Ava, a spoiled girl from a family of cyberneticist and biologist, knows no worries or problems. The only things that concern her are where to go and who to become. But even in their technological world of the future there are problems that can become obstacles to achieving her desires.

A series of events forces Ava to go over the heads in the name of revenge, her father heads off to explore a planet outside the solar system, and her mother is worried about a divorce with her husband... Was it all worth it, or was there simply no other side visible medals?

This book has no sense, there is only a story...

Creating Background

I hatched the idea since 2012 after I had a strange dream around June about a planet that was outside the Solar System but which could have life, and a golden planet that was ruled by a Golden queen. Now I don’t remember those dreams in detail. I remember exactly that my father worked on the planet at a research station (my real father) although in reality he is not a scientist, only a programmer.

A whole, very comprehensive draft was immediately born, but had not been actually dressed in a more literary form. For a very long time I could not understand what to make from/with this idea, and whether I wanted to at all. Many drafts weren't finished, some were permanently deleted. And finally, it was as if I caught a wave and used it to write a short story of 13 chapters with rather tragic events that stretch like an endless chain, and everything ends on a strange note

I didn’t explain or change some things in any way, and I don’t want to do this. I left it as I imagined when I was 18 years old. This work is about many things that are silent, undisclosed, personal. Something I didn't have the strength to admit. Now I can. Also, I don’t see the point in making more detailed descriptions of anything and revealing what is not necessary in my own work of this very kind.

Maybe later I'll come back to this, but for now that's enough.

Events take place in one of the worlds of Shalantam. This was planned afterward. Some events overlap with the events of the third book.