What Shalantam is?

Nobody knows what it really is.

But according to the plot it could be a big system of universes, the special place of the Gods or everything that exists.

If viewed Shalantam as author's idea, of course, it is the first. Because the existing trilogy is not single told story and not the ending. I notified that it is "never-ending''.

      Before the life began on any planet, there was nothing except arid rocky surface. Somewhere more deserts, somewhere more water, somewhere volcanoes. One way or another the most ancient thing came out, it is a stone. These stones are very resistant to be affected by time, weather conditions, the violence of nature. Somehow, it could remember almost the whole life history, from the very birth to the doom.

      It is believed that rocks can’t speak. But this is a wrong view. They just never talk until they’re asked or they’re allowed to talk. In some worlds the «talk to the rock» skill is considered one of the most honourable, but difficult.

      In many stones, gods slept, because it was the most potential-limiting and the most inconspicuous form, in which they can live in the more fragile worlds. Sometimes these stones were created by gods.

      Sometimes they breathe life into the stones. The stone itself never solves anything or bothers anyone. It just lays there, where the last time it fell down against its will, and does nothing else. In skilled hands and a good heart it can become a piece of art, a protection, a foundation, an instrument, an auxiliary item. In unskilled hands and an evil heart it becomes a murderous and destructive weapon.

     Later people learned how to find in stones a more sacred meaning, magic, make amulets, others built houses and dams, ennobled flower beds. The stones were surrounded by biped ones everywhere, but rarely somebody tried to talk with them. Indeed, if to try, you can find out a lot of interesting things. When people say that «walls have ears», it is not a joke. They really hear you. But what you can be fairly certain of is that the stone will keep all the secrets and take them with it, deep in the water, at the foot of the mountains, or in your own grave.

     Saying that falling pearlestones are former elchi on Amaranth is not such a legend. In some worlds it really is a form of spirits’ higher forces, which, of course, cannot be used by just anyone or haphazardly. Until two divine brothers fought over for these stones.


     The first one, Shiyin, the God of the Shadow, was more cool and calm, tried to observe the immutable laws of the universe. If you may not filch stone from Sacred Vault, you do not do that. He’ll take it when the time comes and he has a permission.

    The second brother, Tiyin, the God of the Light, was highly curious and greedy, all was needed to be touched, inspected, and maybe to be stolen.

    So when they were invited to take a look at Vault of Spirits, Tiyin immediately spotted a stone, which seemed to him the most beautiful and special, capable to gift him with something more than the divine power. Shiyin saw a soul in the stone, which can’t just be bothered. It will separate itself from the stone when the time comes, will choose its partner, if it happens at all, and may not be fated.

    So the second one dragged a rock, and since the first one wasn’t trying to calm him down, none of it worked. During a fight the stone was dropped and fell down into one of the worlds, and Tiyin held a terrible grudge against Shiyin.

    The second brother went looking for that stone and found just fragments. He understood that the stone was broken and the spirit flew away from its former habitation and reincarnated to human’s body in one of mortal worlds. Tiyin dared to do a terrible thing — he refused the divine essence and began pursuing the soul from reincarnation into reincarnation, using every means, even bad. Shiyin needed to follow him to stop his furious brother.

    Being the God of Light, Tiyin became Shadow, but not the Shadow what Shiyin originally was. He became darkness, harmful darkness, uncontrollable, which, from incarnation to incarnation, mixed his soul with dirt, and he had not even tried to correct himself. The brothers swapped their roles. The sun turned into the moon, the moon turned into the sun.

    Many centuries, if not thousands, have passed since then. And nobody knows what side will succeed, or it will be never-ending…


Ava, a spoiled girl from a family of cyberneticist and biologist, knows no worries or problems. The only things that concern her are where to go and who to become. But even in their technological world of the future there are problems that can become obstacles to achieving her desires.

Charita makes a fictitious marriage with vampire from Patalam's clan and finds out that a lot of clans are planning something terrible and decides to run away. Her aunt save her in Blackville's Academy, but in fact all educational institution belongs one of evil clan, Kaisers. They don't know anybody in real life, but for vampire-groom Kraisers are ready to find running bride in exchange for the mysterious Patalam's mapmaker...

The story begins with one portal, with one quarrel, with one secret, and still cannot end. Because it is never-ending...

A lot of worlds, a lot of reincarnations, a lot of journeys

There are two projects, stories, which events happen within the same universe. And I can tell you a little about them.

All illustrations for these projects made by author. You can find more here